Monday, April 03, 2006

Download our new podcast

A new podcast has been posted and it's got some really great music. The first track is from The Barbary Coasters. I was sifting through the bands on MySpace and 99% are total crap. But these guys jumped out at me. The songwriting, playing and recording are all great. This band captures an early 60s sound better than any I've heard, and they are doing new material so this isn't just a cover band. Next we play a track from Billy Murray. He's a popular singer from the acoustic recording era. He has a pretty unique vocal style, although it will sound a bit strange to modern ears.

Last we play a track off the upcoming Dead Language release Interwar. The tracks are being mastered now, so that should be out in a few weeks. Also, there's a new installment of our serial, Digital Man and Analog Boy.

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- Send in your questions, comments, and suggestions!

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